My Heart is Von Neumann By Gina Miller
This piece is my ode to the transhuman and extropy movements. There are many problems that we currently face and will one day face that we could improve upon or resolve by pushing forward with scientific research. This video is an artistic expression of this sentiment. Read about John von Neumann. For more information or requests please email.
Please read more about this work at my blog where I invite you to leave your comments. I look forward to reading them.
To watch the animation:
Click here to download the movie (Windows Media Video 15.1 MB) or click here to download (Quicktime 12.9 MB).
If you want to download it without the wait (it will load immediately but will be of lesser size and quality than the above), click here see it at YouTube.
Tips for downloading internet movies: If you see only white, this is normal it means it's still downloading (even though you will see "done" in the lower corner of your screen, hang in there!) Also ~ if when you download the movie it appears "sticky" and/or the music breaks up, your movie is still buffering, play it a second time and it will have downloaded fully and play correctly.
Below: a still from the animation: (click the image for an enlarged version or click here for an even larger version)
I am a robot
made by a human
I want to love you
my heart is Von Neumann.
You can see through me
but I can be deeper
I can help you
I'll be your keeper
help you live longer,
repair your destruction
I can be your friend
programmed by function.
We can live forever
fix all the wrongs
like they were never.
We'll go on together.
We will save ourselves
sail into the universe
where science delves
we'll discover,
that I am a robot
made by a human
I want to love you
my heart is Von Neumann.
You can see through me
but I can be deeper
I can help you
I'll be your keeper.
I'll be your keeper.
I'll be your keeper.
I'll be your keeper.
Created November 27 through December 2, 2009 and added to the website on December 2, 2009. The song My Heart is Von Neumann
was written on Nov. 25, 2009 and registered with the United States Copyright Office Nov. 27, 2009.
Copyright Gina Miller 1998-2009
Images, songs and animations are not to be used or reproduced without permission of the artist. If you are interested in using this artwork, contact the artist.