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Here we have the first born female Lilith. I was going to create one image but when trying to determine which route to go with, I couldn't decide between my two styles and just chose to make them both. Both finals are below.

Read more about and comment on these images at my arts & animation blog here.

Lilith By Gina Miller

(thank you 7th!)

If you really want to get a look at the detail work of these images click them or click the links to see the larger versions.

Image tip: if you click enlarged images and they do not appear enlarged, if you have Windows XP, hover your mouse over the very bottom right corner of the image until you see a small square pop up that says "expand to regular size"click that and the image will enlarge.

Scroll lower to view the second color version of Lilith.

My first Lilith — a strong, bold black and white version. Click here to see this image larger.

My second Lilith —a softer and more feminine color scheme version. Click here to see this image larger.

Created on May 20-21 2007; uploaded to the website on May 22, 2007 - Thank you 7th!

Copyright Gina Miller 1998-2007
If you are interested in using this artwork, contact the artist.

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